from one year onwards
The important thing to remember when consulting a baby milestone chart is that all babies develop at a different rate. At fourteen months, my daughter knew all the letters of the alphabet but my son still hadn’t said his first word.
Don’t worry if your baby doesn’t manage some of these activities at the stated time. Some skills will be gained earlier than indicated and others may take a while to come.
Your Child Health Record (Red Book) has some useful advice about possible developmental problems and what to look for. Of course, if you are concerned about your baby’s development consult your health visitor or GP for advice.
from 12 months
Says first word
Stands up alone
Prefers certain toys and books
Responds to certain requests like ‘sit’
from 13 months
Walks with one hand held
Takes first steps
Uses two or three words
from 14 months
Crawls downstairs
Follows a story
from 15 months
Knows names of some parts of the body
from 16 months
Uses around ten words
Fetches objects from another room
from 17 months
Uses around ten words
Fetches objects from another room
from 18 months
Walks upstairs
Uses two word sentences
Kicks a ball
Imitates your actions
Stacks six bricks
Uses around fifty words
Knows the names of some animals
from 2 years
Opens doors and lids
Helps you dress them
Knows some colours
Talks a lot
Sings some nursery rhymes
from 2 1/2 years
Rides a tricycle
Throws and catches a ball
Asks questions
Talks to someone they know on the phone
Counts to ten